Team Checklist

Check In Location:
Both men's and women's check in will be located in front of the will call booth near the main entrance of the complex. Following check in, teams can then enter through the Team Entrance and set up in the Player Village.
Follow the map to the entrance of the Player village which is on the left side of the Field house, along with all match fields throughout the weekend.
Check In Information:
Have any questions or concerns? Please contact or your division commissioner.
Credentialed players and team staff may enter the stadium through any general admission gate, but teams are strongly encouraged to park in the team parking lot behind the Field house (driveway on the left of the building) and enter through the Team Village. Only credentialed team staff should be on the team vehicles, as credentials are required for the team lot.
Players and team staff will have access to all general admission areas inside the stadium (East stands, Spirit Hill).
Teams must check-in and submit their match rosters to their No. 4 table by kickoff two games prior to their match. Teams playing in the stadium will submit their rosters at the entry tunnel on the north end of the stadium.
If you are playing in one of the first two matches of the day, check in at the No. 4 table no later than 40 minutes before your scheduled kickoff time.
Outside the stadium, coin toss will take place at halftime of the game prior at the No. 4 table. Teams should be staged and ready to take the field at this point. Inside the stadium, the coin toss will take place at halftime of the game prior at the entry tunnel on the north end of the stadium.
Teams playing on fields 9, 11 (stadium) and 12 will warm up on Field 8. Teams on all other fields must warm up in their try zones. The use of cones, pads or any equipment above and beyond balls is prohibited from use in try zones. Warm-ups must conclude by halftime of the game prior to yours, as you’re due for coin toss and staging. Elongated warm-up times and tardiness to the coin toss will not be tolerated.
For in-stadium matches, the production crew will notify the Red Hat when the broadcast has returned from commercial breaks which should occur no later than 2 minutes before the scheduled match. The Assistant Referees will line up the two teams at the Dead Ball Line 4 minutes before the scheduled match. The referee will be in front of both teams.
The Red Hat, located beside the No. 4, will advise the referee team that the players can enter the field. The Referee will advise both teams that they can enter the field. The Referee and Assistant Referees will run onto the field immediately after the teams have entered.
"Home" and "Away" team designations are clearly labeled on the schedule in the NCR app, and signs clearly marking "Home" and "Away" benches will be on every field. Please download the app and be prepared to take the right bench.
This is the designated and roped-off rest area reserved for team tents just northwest of the stadium overlooking the Team Drop off & Parking Lot and outside fields. Only credentialed players, coaches and staff will be allowed in this area, but it is not a secured space, and players will leave personal items at their own risk.
Teams may bring their own tents, as on-site tent rentals are not available. The maximum tent size is 10x10. Tents may be left overnight, at your own risk, but all contents of the tent must be packed up or thrown away every day.
Teams may have performance drinks and food on site, like bananas, oranges, bars, gatorade, etc., but they are restricted to the Team Village.
Teams are responsible for cleaning their areas and keeping them tidy at all times.
The Team Village is the only location at the Facility to serve as your team Home-Base for
tents, gear, etc.